Monday, October 17, 2011

Layout - First Revision

I finally finished the board layout for my first revision. It's split into three small boards. The first (lower left in the picture) is for the coils and the rectifier. It has some capacitance as well just  to smooth things out. I wanted to have the option of placing this circuitry next to the coils, instead of up with the batteries, as  it seems like a better idea to have a DC voltage travel from the rim to the seat rather than a pulsating voltage. The main portion, including the boost, the batteries, and the blink logic is on the right side of the image. One battery is on the top, with the other on the bottom. This gives a total area of 0.825"x2.0" or so for the main board. This small form factor isn't really needed for this first revision, but i wanted to see how easy this was going to be to layout the board small enough to fit in a seat post. The last board just has places for the four diodes. this is so i can test different cable lengths between the main board and the LEDs. Ill send this out for fabrication, and hopefully have a prototype soon.

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