Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Output Power, First Tests

I took some first output power measurements today, at the suggestion of one of my lab mates. Things look fairly good i think. I took two sets of data, one with 4 magnets (magnet passes the coil every 27ms), and one with 8 magnets (magnet passes the coil every 13.5ms). As expected, this just increases the output power. Also interestingly, it seems like i may want to load the circuit heavier than i was going to, as i get better output power at about 2mA load. perhaps ill regulate to this current. Ill redo these plots for the final coil and rectifier design, so that i can achieve the maximum power point on my final design. On that note, i asked about the diodes that the energy harvesting people use, and they recommended some good ones. Ill order some, and see how much better they are.  These are good results! Its nice to know that this can actually drive a load.

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