Monday, October 24, 2011

Parts List - First Revision

I just put together a full parts list for this board revision. I should have just ordered parts when I ordered the boards, but I thought I had everything I'd need. Oops. It turns out that I still need the battery holders, some LED's ( i have no idea where all my leftover LED's are...) and the NPN switches to go with my PNP current regulators. Heres a short form of the parts list for the first revision... this is sure to change in the future.

  • 6x Schottky Diode (Fairchild MBR0520L)
  • 2x NiMH Batteries (Panasonic HHR-70AAAB8)
  • 2x AAA Battery Holder (Keystone 2466)
  • 1x Boost Converter (ON Semi NCP1402SN50T1G)
  • 1x 555Timer (Intersil ICM7555CBAZ-T)
  • 3x Logic Inverter (Fairchild NC7S04P5X)
  • 1x Logic "Or" (Fairchild NC7SZ32P5XCT-ND)
  • 2x Current Regulator (NXP Semi PSSI2021SAY,115)
  • 2x NPN Switch (NXP  Semi PDTC124XT,215)
  • 3x SPDT Slide Switches (APEM Components NK236WH)
  • 4x Red 1mA LEDs
  • Assorted Resistors (1x 5.3KOhm, 1x 10KOhm, 2x 620Ohm)
  • Assorted Capacitors (9x 10uF, 5x 1uF, 1x 0.56uF)
  • 1x Inductor (47uH, Sampled from Coilcraft MSS6132 Series)
Thats about it. The LED's will probably change to a surface mount with a shiny backplane to reflect light, and the three slide switches will change to a single multi state push-button or a single slide switch in the next revision. In total, the parts I don't have should cost about $5.40 plus shipping. Ill order tomorrow morning, and hopefully finish building the prototype boards this week.

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