Monday, October 10, 2011

Some Initial Experiments

I took the first experimental results today. Using an old DC motor that we usually twist litz wire on, and a piece of scrap material i built a scale wheel. it has 4 magnets around the edge, oriented north-south-north-south. The coils used for these waveforms have 300 windings on the old PQ bobbins. There are two coils in series, which is sort of odd since they don't get excited by the magnetic field at the same time. But it seems to work. Each magnet is 24cm apart, so the first waveform is analogous to a 12mph ride, while the second is a 21mph ride, roughly. These numbers are mostly just important for the amplitude of the voltage spike. more magnets can be placed for more frequent spikes, but the velocity of the magnet as it passes the coil is (sort of) proportional to the spike amplitude (Faraday's law again.) Ill optimize for a 17-18mph ride, adjusting the magnet spacing and number of turns to suit my power output needs.

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