Sunday, June 10, 2012

Green tea

Breakfast today included an avocado half, with the pit filled with soy sauce. You mix wasabe into the center and eat it with a spoon. yum. Also more fish and some white miso, apparently a kyoto specialty.

Additionally, i tried to order green tea. Apparently one does not order green tea. you just say "tea" (or ocha) and you get green tea. i got tea that was... green.
my green tea. it is super green, like wheatgrass juice or something.

sort of like tea but a bit sweeter, and quite odd. only 400 yen for a cup of green oddness. Thats like $5, but sort of what almost all hot drinks (coffee, tea) cost here. Except from the vending machine, where its like 100 yen for coffee.

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