Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Raw Meat

We had two meals over the last few days that i dont think would be available in the US. The first because it involves oil frying at your table...
Thats hot oil in the center, surrounded by a super hot metal edge. You take you raw meat, batter it, roll it in crumbs, and then fry it at your table.

This place gives you a little grill, and a bowl full of raw meat.
The bowl on the left used to be a bit more full. At this point we had eaten everything but the stomach. Every combination at this place comes with just a bunch of stomach, which you cannot grill enough to be good. If you dont tend your grill correctly (which we did not till a helpful guy mimed the right way to) you get a 1.5 foot flame bucket in the middle of your table... which lets all the locals know you are an idiot turist.

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