Sunday, July 1, 2012

Golden Pavilion and Others

Some random pictures that i dont think i've posted yet, and the golden pavilion...
This was a little covered mall next to our inn in kyoto.

One of the gates in the old imperial palace. There are 9 or so gates to the palace, this is one of them. They are the original gates.

The palace is really large. This is looking down one of the paths inside. You sort of forget walking around that this place is in the middle of a city.

A kio pond, with a little vine covered awning for the fish. In the imperial gardens

I found this gate on my way to one of the cemeteries.

These guys wanted to speak some english. At many of the large temples,  there are bands of kids. They ask tourists where they are from, what they like, etc. Then they take a picture with you... so i asked if i could get a picture with them too.

This is the golden pavilion. 
A little closer to the pavilion...

There are lots of islands in the lake outside the pavilion, each nicely taken care of and with some special meaning.

A neat cave shrine thing near the golden temple.

In the imperial gardens again. There was a great fight around this tree  when someone tried to overthrow the emperor or something. Samurai and such where involved.

A cool building

We went to the Anime museum, which doesn't allow pictures.... so i have this one of the outside only. It was really cool. They have a library of Anime inside, so you sort of walk through this meuseum/library for a few floors, then there is an outside park where you can take a few books form the library to read for a while. 

Another covered mall. They have a lot of these around. They are really nice for rainy days, of which there are many.

Octopus on sticks with quail eggs in their heads.

This machine was just making cookies or pastries... really cool. There is a guy standing on the right to trims off the edges to make the cookies look a bit better, but other than thats its all automated.

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