Sunday, July 1, 2012

Kyoto Zoo and Some Rice

These are just other photos from kyoto that i havn't posted yet...
A rice plant!

And a rice field... there was a whole little ecosystem in the fields, with tadpoles and water bugs and birds and such.

Found this little guy on my way up a mountain.

A pile of turtles

And a super long and skinny snake by the pile of turtles.

I went to an art museum... and they had an umbrella lock up  outside. You just find an empty slot and lock your umbrella so you dont have to cary it around.

The umbrella stand, and lots of other stuff, use flat keys like this one.

Mountains and a river by the museum.

A large tora gate outside the museum.

The museum!

They had a zoo in kyoto, which i went to on a rainy day. There was no one there but me. All the animals were out too, which was cool. This guy was just walking back and forth in front of me.

Some normal tortoises, and an odd oval one.

I liked these guys because they seemed so happy to see someone when i walked in

A giant salamander... probably about half the size of me 

and a red panda! 

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