Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Rest Day!

We decided to take a rest day and come into town for... McDonalds! woot.  Also we are off to see some arches in 'Arches National Park'.  The climbing is going well...

  • Critics Choice Wall - Bunny Slope and Eds World
  • Pistol Whipped Wall - Spaghetti Western, Hand Cannon , and tried Tommy Gun (which was awful).
  • Reservoir Wall - Excuse Station, No Excuse, and Pente.  Pente kicked my ass.  Just total destruction.
At the base of Bunny Slope we found that a rattle snake had taken up residence next to all of our stuff.  After carefully moving everything away from the snake (who seemed extremely angry at me for disturbing him) I got a picture of the little guy!

RAWR says the unhappy snake.
The desert continues to bloom!  It's so green.  The cactuses are blooming as well, which is really cool.

We have been staying at the cottonwood creek campground for the last couple days, and will be there till friday or so. It's nice and secluded.
"Sweet ride dude." - Everyone

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