Thursday, May 7, 2015

Some Older Photos

Just some older photos I've got.  Most are from Indian Creek or Turkey Rocks (South Platte area).  One or two from the Flatirons.  The best ones from Turkey Rocks were taken by Andy.
Athena on Whimsical Dreams.  Turkey Rocks.

Athena... Whimsical Dreams.  Almost all the Turkey Rocks photos are taken by Andy on a fixed line.

Final roof, enjoying that cam a bunch I guess.

Andy leading us all up Quiver and Quill, Turkey Rocks.

A rare photo of me climbing!

Shelf Road

Athena, first Flatiron, un-needed high-step thing move.

Nice view of Boulder from the top of the first.

Not sure why people do this... 

America pants and super Asian pose.  Indian Creek.

Physaria Acutifolia I think. In the mustard family.
Turkey Rocks
A Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla Patens).  A spring butter cup.
Hopefully I'll be doing a bit of traveling soon, so I'll be able to post a bit more.  Just need to get through the end of semester.  My class average was about a C+/B-... this seems reasonable to me but many students seem to expect inflated grades like most classes offer them.  Getting a 'B-' feels like a bad grade to them. But that's our education system! Just give every special snowflake an 'A' so they feel good about themselves!

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