Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Moab to Visit Athena

 Spent some time in the Moab area to meet up with Athena... mostly an image dump here...

New (-ish) pedestrian bridge over the river just north of town... some neat stone/metal sculptures.

Andy put up double crack (and took a sweet fall along the way). Athena getting the sweet TR send here.

Athena putting up Mini Skirts and Halter Tops.
On a ledge high up on Mini Skirts and Halter Tops.
I spent the first day bouldering... then met up with Athena and Andy.  We climbed at Shady Crag and did the full Granary Canyon the next day.

I liked this grass on the hike up.

Nice view on the hike in. Athena and Andy heading on up the road to the right.

Nice tracks in the sand.  I like all the little bug and animal tracks that show up in untouched sand in the morning.

Cryptobiotic landscape.
Pretty flower... Andy heading through the trees in the distance.

Athena was so stoked on canyoneering.  Here she is taking a picture while having her picture taken. The good ol' double documentation.

She has decided to give up climbing for the more technically challenging sport of canyoneering.

As a budding new canyoneer, Athena now loves all things rappelling. She can't get enough of those memorable rappels, amazing rappels, exciting rappels, and of course don't forget the heart-pounding-free-hanging-double-rope-anchored-on-a-shrub rappel that all canyoneers live for. 

Andy and Athena somewhere near the end of the day.

Nice dry stream in between canyons. It's really nice finding places like this.

Me and Athena held the 'Anchor' for Andy, then Athena held it for me, then me and Andy gave Athena a spot.  Probably the sketchiest rap anchor I've used.

Athena and Andy overlooking the Shipyard.


Some old art.

This was at the exit of Granary Canyon, almost back to the cars.

Andy had to head back to Boulder. Me and Athena drove into Little Valley to climb some towers.

Pinky Tower! That little pinky type thing on the right.

Neat-o velvet ant we saw. Apparently not an ant, but more-so a wasp relative.

Athena delicately starting around the corner on the second pitch of Ring Sizer. 

Summit Selfie!

Blowing in the wind up top.

Looking super cute while setting the rap. 
Nice view of Little Valley from the top of Pinky Tower

Somewhere along the line an off-width took some of my ankle with it.  Also my deteriorating moccasyms... people love these shoes for crack climbing but the cracks are eating mine. May need another pair soon.

Athena coming down off of Gooney Bird. The second pitch foiled us... we decided just to bail and find a campsite.

Last night camping.  Really pretty. Also super windy.

Great Changes!

First... a random picture I had of me and Athena (well... pic is of me taken by Athena) when we did Solar Slabs and Johnny Vegas in red rocks (red rock or red rocks?)
Nice day out. I think this trip ended early since I had injured fingers.
 And on to the big changes! Athena did some hair cutting...
Sitting pretty on our balcony in LA

OMG all that hair.  She made me do it.
 I also made a slight change, with the addition of a small face scar.  I had a nelly bandaid for a while.  Got smacked in the face with a surfboard while out with some friend at manhattan beach.

 And also we went to Caneel, which was really nice even though me and Athena got super sick and spent a couple days in bed.
Athena looking really unenthusiastic about feeding a super not interested iguana.

Dad's Grand Adventure.

Athena and I headed back to Boulder for a weekend to take my dad on a grand adventure.  We climbed the first and third flatirons, and did some craggin in Eldo.  Father only lost two toenails.

Just hanging out... like a pro.

Making a rap in Eldo. Right side of the wind tower somewhere... maybe Tha Bomb?

Pulling the hard moves.

Dad and Athena 
...another Dad and Athena!

View from the top. Boulder is to the right. Pro climbers are to the left.

Rap off the back

Relaxing. Probably taking some weight off those poor toes.

High above Boulder.  On the way to the top of the first flatiron.

Relaxing on top.