Saturday, November 25, 2017

Some Inbetween

Athena's Face!

Ended up moving, going to Freemont Canyon to see the eclipse (omg so life changing nothing will ever be the same... is NPR done talking about it yet please?), hitting Vedauwoo and Red Rock Canyon in the last couple months... here are a couple photos!

New place... pre paint. Super Yellow. All nice shades of grey now. Also put up some shelves. Much nicer now.
Our friend Jake came to visit from LA, here he is rounding the corner on Perversion.

Headed back from Micky Mouse Wall... waiting for the train to pass.

We were in Red Rock Canyon for Halloween... Athena dressed as a Crayon.  Here she is on top of Olive Oil looking crayon-ish.

The hike down from Olive Oil, if you go up a bit you can see over the back into the next canyon over.

Met a tiny little frog on the way down.
We spent a night in Vegas... went to see a tournament of kings. Awesome.

Moving with some cats.  Apollo killed our lavender plant by sitting on it for a number of hours.  The cold soon killed our lime tree as well.

Athena on top of the spy, a little sliver of rock on the right side of the first flatiron.

Up in Wyoming at Freemont Canyon for the eclipse.  Exceeded expectations, but... not the life changing experience everyone said it was.  I don't understand people that say these things are life changing - neat but thats it. Like the grand canyon! 

Slack liners above the canyon.

Athena trying Desiderata, super neat boulder problem in Vedauwoo
I also tried... somewhat less successfully.

Athena at Turkey Rocks

Hike down from Turkey Rock is always nice.

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