Tuesday, August 4, 2020

CAMPER! Cabinets that are almost done.

So we got a camper.  New to us, and almost new for reals... camper and truck setup from a nice local guy.  Camper is an All Terrain Camper Puma model, on top of a regular cab Silverado.   

Camper! City of Rocks.

Its a shell model with solar prewire - so basically the interior walls are finished, it has a bed setup, and wiring is run thru the wall for solar. Otherwise its empty.

Removed some carpeting on the riser things.  Athena taking out carpet staples forever.  Turns out McGuckins sells like a $30 little Japanese tiny nail remover.  We did not get that.

First item was to make some gear storage cabinets... seemed like a relatively easy first project to make sure I still known how to saw stuff.

Test Fit! Looks good. Passenger and Driver are different sizes.

Cabinets are... sort of simple.  For storing cams and gear, so we added some aluminum bars across the top to hand stuff off of.  Then a simple door, padded back, and should be good.

Testing Cams... moved upper bar up an inch or so since it had too much space.  kept other bars in place - new separation seems good.

We opted to stain most of the interior wood, and add a top coat to help protect it.  Tried a spray top coat polyurethane thing... coating is too thin.  Will use a brushed something for benches and other high use stuff.

Staining... and then top coat. 

Cabinets! Still need backing with padding so Cams don't rattle, and dooooors.  Also going to try and inlay a cam lobe into the door so that might be cool if it works.

Model for now. 

Next is finishing cabinets and starting fridge/electrical cabinet.  Turns out respirators for painting are hard to buy now days... so waiting a while on that.  Ordered most of the electrical stuff... should have working 12V system in a couple weeks. 

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