Showing posts with label USVI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USVI. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Great Changes!

First... a random picture I had of me and Athena (well... pic is of me taken by Athena) when we did Solar Slabs and Johnny Vegas in red rocks (red rock or red rocks?)
Nice day out. I think this trip ended early since I had injured fingers.
 And on to the big changes! Athena did some hair cutting...
Sitting pretty on our balcony in LA

OMG all that hair.  She made me do it.
 I also made a slight change, with the addition of a small face scar.  I had a nelly bandaid for a while.  Got smacked in the face with a surfboard while out with some friend at manhattan beach.

 And also we went to Caneel, which was really nice even though me and Athena got super sick and spent a couple days in bed.
Athena looking really unenthusiastic about feeding a super not interested iguana.