Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Dad's Grand Adventure.

Athena and I headed back to Boulder for a weekend to take my dad on a grand adventure.  We climbed the first and third flatirons, and did some craggin in Eldo.  Father only lost two toenails.

Just hanging out... like a pro.

Making a rap in Eldo. Right side of the wind tower somewhere... maybe Tha Bomb?

Pulling the hard moves.

Dad and Athena 
...another Dad and Athena!

View from the top. Boulder is to the right. Pro climbers are to the left.

Rap off the back

Relaxing. Probably taking some weight off those poor toes.

High above Boulder.  On the way to the top of the first flatiron.

Relaxing on top.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Christmas in Red Rocks

We spent this christmas in Red Rock Canyon. Again... not a lot of photos! I'm getting a bit lazy about taking pictures of stuff these days.  We spent a couple days climbing in the first and second pullout areas ( Calico Hills ) as they are reliably warm and sunny. We also finally did Olive Oil!  We've done the first pitch before... but backed off after it started raining.  We were stuck behind a really fast group who where stuck behind a really slow group so it was a bit of a long day.

Selfie of course
From the top of Olive Oil 
Maybe a Utah Agave (Agave Utahensis)? 
We stayed one night in the Luxor casino.  It's the pyramid shaped one.  The elevators are really odd as they go sideways and up... so when they start/stop you get a sideways acceleration that does not feel normal.  We turned a ton of money into a 20 cent ticket that is now hanging on our fridge.

Nice view of most of the whole park.  Calico Hills on the right to Oak and Pine Creek Canyons on the left.
Thats it. We have a new black and a new blue Alien.  They are just amazing.  Also we entered the new year so that's nice.  Athena's mom got us a pressure cooker/crock pot for christmas, so maybe I'll get to cook some stews or brisket or something soon.